Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Finals, finally

I am deep in the midst of finals right now. That's mainly why I haven't updated this much. After next Wednesday I should be free to write more. 

In the meantime, I wanted to put up a quote from I Sing the Body Electric! It is a collection of short stories by Ray Bradbury. This section got me yearning for summer. 

"She made a sound like a season all to herself, a morning early in June when the world wakes to find everything perfect, fine, delicately tuned, all in balance, nothing disproportioned. Even before you opened your eyes you knew it would be one of those days. Tell the sky what color it must be, and it was indeed. Tell the sun how to crochet its way, pick and choose among leaves to lay out carpetings of bright and dark on the fresh lawn, and pick and lay it did. The bees have been up earliest of all, they have already come and gone, come and gone again to the meadow fields and returned all golden fuzz on the air, all pollen-decorated, epaulettes at the full, nectar-dripping. Don't you hear them pass? Hover? Dance their language?"

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